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Finding quality outdoor time

Gardening Open Hours

Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Sarah P. Duke Gardens Thursdays, September 21st - October 26th 3pm-5pm $3 per child. A season pass for all eight dates is available for $20 per child, $56 per family. Parking pass included with advance registration. Information: 919-668-1707.

Learn in the hands-on outdoor learning space! Each week a staff member will guide families through an exploration of all things connected with growing plants, including digging, using tools, planting, watering, weeding, managing pests, harvesting, tasting and composting. Learn about fruits and vegetables and how they grow. Plant, harvest and taste seasonal produce and explore different ways to use herbs. Hear stories, play games and make art inspired by the garden. Gardening Open Hours are offered Thursdays through Oct. 26. Sign up for one or more sessions. Meet in the Charlotte Brody Discovery Garden. Parking pass included with advance registration.